Family Law and Divorce Attorneys
Serving Maryland and Washington DC

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Protection from Abuse
Abuse protection in Maryland


Domestic abuse is all too common. It is one of the worst types of crimes, as it affects people in both physical and emotional ways. It is hard enough to be the victim of physical abuse, but it is made even worse when it is at the hands of someone you thought you could trust. The attorneys at Brodsky, Renehan, Pearlstein & Bouquet take domestic abuse very seriously, and we will arduously work to protect your rights in this kind of case.

Explore Your Legal Options

Some victims of domestic abuse mistakenly think that they do not have any legal options. That is not the case. While we cannot guarantee that you will be able to get legal protection, we will certainly do what we can to help. If it is determined that you are at risk to become the victim of physical violence, a protective order or a peace order may be entered, even if no criminal charges have been filed against the abuser. The goal is to keep the abuser away from you for a period of time, during which time you can plan for your future.

Experience Matters

Hopefully, you do not have any prior experience in pursuing protective orders or peace orders in a domestic abuse case. But, even if you do, it is likely that you haven’t seen as many situations as we have dealt with at our Firm Brodsky, Renehan, Pearlstein & Bouquet has managed many domestic abuse situations over the years in both Maryland and Washington, D.C. Such experience is important, as it can help us to proceed in the right manner with your case. Our goal is to keep you and your loved ones safe, and we will work hard to put the law on your side.

Contact us today to schedule a confidential family law case evaluation.


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