Family Law and Divorce Attorneys
Serving Maryland and Washington DC

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Maryland Mediation

Divorce Mediation

Divorce is difficult for all involved. It takes a significant toll on both divorcing parties, as well as the children. If you are getting ready to start, or already entrenched in, the divorce process, your stress level may be at an all-time high. With that in mind, if at all possible, you do not need to make things more stressful by taking your divorce to litigation. Ideally, you will be able to settle your divorce case without going to court. While this may not be possible in all cases, with the help of an experienced mediator, and one of our attorneys, you may be able to come to divorce terms that are agreeable to both you and your spouse.

Divorce proceedings and related family law matters can be even more stressful during this period of social distancing and isolation. With the courts closing their doors to the public during the COVID-19 pandemic, remote mediation can be an excellent option for people to work out a custody, access or other urgent issues that can arise. It is also available for those who simply want to keep their family law cases moving forward. If you are contemplating or already entrenched in cases pertaining to child custody/access, support, divorce, and other family law matters, we have the knowledge and expertise required to help you resolve your disputes and move toward resolution outside the court through remote mediation.

Brodsky, Renehan, Pearlstein & Bouquet can help with your mediation needs in Maryland or Washington, D.C. Our attorneys are experienced with representing and advising clients in the mediation process. We further have attorneys who are capable of serving as the mediator and working to bring both sides together successfully. Whatever your needs happen to be, please contact us for more information.

Benefits of Mediation

With mediation, your divorce does not have to be a long, drawn-out process. Mediation has the potential to save both parties a significant amount of money, and it can provide both sides with the opportunity to work together to make decisions with one another going forward.

It can be disadvantageous to engage in divorce mediation without proper representation. Even if your goal is to enter into a settlement with your former partner, an attorney can help to look out for your own best interests. Contact Brodsky, Renehan, Pearlstein & Bouquet to learn how we can help during this difficult time.

Contact us today to schedule a confidential family law case evaluation.


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