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Protective Orders
Protective Orders & Peace Orders

Protective Orders & Peace Orders

Protective orders and peace orders are important legal tools which can help to protect you and your family from being victims of domestic violence. These orders are often called into use when another party is making threatening statements or acting in a threatening manner. They can be further used when someone has committed an act of abuse and is ordered to stay away from another.

If you think that you need a protective order or peace order there is no time to waste. This is an action you will want to take right away, for your own best interest and the interest of those around you. For help with this issue, contact Brodsky, Renehan, Pearlstein & Bouquet to discuss your needs. We will be proud to help you work through this difficult situation as quickly and easily as possible.

Who Do Protective Orders or Peace Orders Protect Against?

There are many acts which warrant the issuance of a protective order or a peace order. Below, are just some of the many things which may qualify you for a protective order or a peace order being entered:

  • Abuse
  • Rape or sexual Assault
  • Harassment
  • Trespassing
  • False imprisonment
  • Stalking
  • Acts which cause fear of serious bodily harm
  • Malicious destruction of property

Protective orders and peace orders cover a wide array of criminal actions. Rather than wondering if what you have experienced will make you eligible for a protective order or peace order, contact us to find out. If you feel vulnerable or unsafe in any way, it is best to take action.

Protective Order or Peace Order?

Protective orders and peace orders provide, in many ways, the same relief. They are meant to protect victims from abusers and those who threaten to cause harm in some way. The difference between the two types of orders is in terms of who can file for which order. A party files for a protective order if he or she is seeking protection from someone close to them, such as a spouse, family member, someone with whom they share a child, something with whom they live, etc. Alternatively, a party files for a peace order if he or she is seeking protective from someone not as close, such as a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker, a mere acquaintance, or even a stranger.

Contact one of our attorneys at Brodsky, Renehan, Pearlstein & Bouquet to speak about protective orders or peace orders. We are experienced in both pursuing these types of orders for our clients, and in defending against these orders. Even though obtaining a protective order or a peace order is no guarantee of safety, it is a good first step and can establish ground rules moving forward to prevent contact between you and the other party.

Contact us today to schedule a confidential family law case evaluation.


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