Family Law and Divorce Attorneys
Serving Maryland and Washington DC

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Family lawyer

Author: Brian Pearlstein

Family law matters are difficult and emotionally trying.  They often cause uncertainty and doubt. Our resources section is filled with helpful information on a variety of family law matters.  It is intended to help you educate yourself on the divorce & family law process in Maryland and D.C.

Same-Sex Marriage: Financial & Legal Issues to Address

The U.S. Supreme Court recently legalized marriage equality in the case Obergefell v. Hodges so all 50 states can now perform and recognize same-sex marriages. But what does this mean in terms of family law? Like any other couple, same-sex couples must address the legal and financial issues that come with marriage.

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Choosing Your Divorce Lawyer: A 9 Points Checklist

Selecting a divorce lawyer is a very important decision. After all, this person will chart your strategy and help guide you through one of the more difficult periods of life. Too often however, the high drama of the moment prompts a rushed or impulsive decision that you can later come to regret. Before you sign that representation agreement step back, breathe, and consider these nine factors.

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