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Work Meets Play at BRP Family Law’s Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day


BRP Family Law was very proud to participate in National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day this year! To demonstrate what we as parents do while our children are in school, we created a way for team members to share the BRP Family Law experience with their children by creating a mix of enjoyable and educational experiences that would expand their horizons. Given the opportunity for children to experience our culture, see that people work hard, and that there’s always room for fun in the workplace was the highlight of our day!

National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

At BRP Family Law, we have a unique opportunity to show our children not only what we do as attorneys, but also give them insight into how to be successful, how to work together to overcome challenges, and explore new ones. While Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day not only helps expose kids to new experiences and inspires them for future success, it also gives families a chance to connect and share memories of the day together – we’re already looking forward to next year’s event!

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